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December 18, 2013

S.F. Opera Holiday Dinner

Charlotte Schultz & Claude Jarman
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Ena Cratsenburg, Karen Kubin & Sandra Farris
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Dede Wilsey & Bob Hill
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Richard Blum & Dianne Feinstein
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Ed Conlon, Elisa Stephens & John Gunn
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
David Gockley & Maria Pitcairn
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Linle Froeb & Sobia Shaikh
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Claude Jarman, Judith Renard & John Renard
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Mike Genoshe & Alan Morrell
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Ted Deikel & Bob Friese
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Tanya Powell & Shelley Gordon
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Noel von Tesmar & Peggy Huggins
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Joy Venturini Bianchi
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Paul Pelosi, Charlotte Schultz & John Gunn
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Susan Malott & Riccardo Benavides
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography
Riccardo Benavides, Wilkes Bashford & Sheree Chambers
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer Photography

The San Francisco Opera Guild hosted a holiday dinner in honor of California Chief of Protocol Charlotte Mailliard Schultz at War Memorial Opera House on Monday, December 2. In celebration of the Guild‘s 75th anniversary, more than 200 attendees including Ena Chan Crastenburg, Sandra Farris, and Katie Jarman dined on the opera house’s stage before dancing to tunes played by the Dick Bright Orchestra. The charming evening benefited arts education programs throughout Northern California that are supported by the Guild.

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