The beauty secrets of ancient empresses like Cleopatra and Nefertiti were using essential oils like rose, frankincense, myrrh, jasmine, cedar, neroli and lemongrass these are the oils I use in the shiva rose beauty line along with ancient ingredients Like aloe, honey, castor oil, almond oil, sea salts and more
. To keep her skin smooth cleopatra would make a mask with raw honey and cream and for her hair a few drops of castor oil and jasmine
after battle she would bathe in water scented with rose and frankincense and before she used the strength of cedar and juniper
photo by @hheininge #thelocalrose #shivarosebeauty #naturalbeauty #empresses #cleopatra #nefertitii #essentialoils #rose #diymasks #hairgrowth #egyptian #ancientegypt