Spotlight: FebClubSF
Women of San Francisco, this month you are liberated. Stop avoiding certain coffee shops, gyms, and bars to prevent run-ins with that guy who keeps asking you out. For the entire month of February, you’re booked on weeknights. FebClubSF founders Becky Rauth and Morgan Magilligan—both former Gap and Piperlime staffers—have launched a month-long event series modeled after FebClub, a Yale tradition that began in the 1970s as a way to bring students together during frigid February nights. Inspired by Rauth’s alma mater, FebClubSF features 20 gatherings including classes at SoulCycle, shopping parties at The Real Real and Azalea, and floral workshops at Natalie Bowen Designs. Think of these sessions as Meetups for Bay Area women that involve actual activities beyond the trading of electronic contacts. “San Francisco is a city that is full of amazing resources for doing cool things and meeting curious, talented, smart women,” says Magilligan. Members receive a daily email notifying them of the evening’s event throughout the month and they can attend as few or as many as they’d like. Just like that, you can be busy every weeknight. No excuses needed. Naturally, you’ll be washing your hair on weekends.
By Jennifer McCullum
Pictured: A table setting created by Natalie Bowen Designs.
Photo Courtesy of Natalie Bowen Designs